Key factors for success of training
- Training as a part of improvement
project run in organisation. Though a training may
not give the ultimate answers, it may
motivate participants to ask new questions and to look for appropriate
- Participants are personally interested
in practical effects. They know the process in question. They
can see links between theory nad their personal knowledge and can explain
the data from process.
- Objective of training should be defined
clearly and in terms easy
to verify. This is challenging
for trainer and increases value for participants.
- Contact person should be a specialist
in the subject. It is pointless to expect that someone from outside
knows more about your process than your people. The experts role is to
add dynamics to your process of managing knowledge that is accumulated in
your organisation.
Use of computer enables analysis of data
- Calculations are just a small
step (ca 10%) in the process of improvement. Use of computers
- simplifies manipulation of numbers and formulas.
- gives more time for studying processes represented
by numbers
- People should have individual access
to computers during the training, especially during workshop sessions.
This enables them to
- make and improve personal templates for further operations
- master complex calculations using standard programm functions
There are some common mistakes when planing a training
- Planning short multi-subject
training courses (one day for small bits of everything). It can not
achieve any practical objective
- Skipping the theoretical or practical
part. Theory without practice is useless, practice without
theory is incomplete.
- Planning activities in the workplace
and within work time. People spend part of the training time doing their
work. The effects are gaps in acquired knowledge and skills.